Dear Supporters,
By now you would have heard the news that the Australian Rugby League Commission has decided to indefinitely suspend the 2020 NRL Telstra Premiership due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This decision was made after advice from the NRL’s pandemic and biosecurity experts.
They advised the NRL that, due to the rapid rate of infection with the COVID-19 virus in Australia, the NRL can no longer guarantee the safety and health of its players.
Right from the start of this crisis, the Gold Coast Titans have been fully supportive of the NRL in their direction and handling of this extraordinary situation.
That support remains absolute in light of this unprecedented announcement this afternoon.
NRL suspends competition due to coronavirus pandemic
As a Club, we are currently working through the details of this decision and the next steps we will take on this historic day for rugby league in this country.
A conference call between the NRL executive and all 16 NRL clubs will take place at 9am tomorrow (Qld time) where we will be told about what this decision means, the ramifications of it, and the next steps for all of us moving forward.
As soon as we have more information, we will let you know.
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Vlandys and Greenberg NRL update
On behalf of everyone at the Gold Coast Titans, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support of the Club and the rugby league as a whole as we navigate this situation.
As always, our primary concern is with the health and safety of our players, staff, supporters and fans.
Please continue to follow the government’s guidelines around hygiene to minimise the impact of this global health crisis.
Stay safe, where possible stay home, and show compassion to the people around you.
We look forward to life returning to normal as quickly as possible, and rugby league returning to the field just as quickly.
Steve Mitchell
CEO, Gold Coast Titans